07 Dec

the meeting and in the outset a report was read from the com- mittee on resolutions by Governor Joseph W. Fifer, which was followed by very touching tributes from John T. Lillard, Charles L. Capen, John A. Sterling, A. E. DeMange, Thomas Kerrick, Hal M. Stone, Judge R. M. Benjamin, Frank Gillespie, and Judge C. D. Myers. The following was the report of the committee on testimonial and resolutions as presented by Gov. Fifer: THE RESOLUTION Adlai Ewing Stevenson was born in Christian county, Ken- tucky, October 23rd, 1835, and died at the Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago, June 14th, 1914. Of revolutionary stock, his ances- tors were prominent in the war for American independence. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, and belonged to a race distinguished for learning, patriotism and high courage. When a mere lad he moved with his father's family to Bloom- ington, Illinois, which city down to the day of his death, he was always proud to call his home, with the exception of ten years, when he resided at Metamora, Illinois. He was educated in the public schools, at the Illinois Wesleyan University, and finally at Center College, at Danville, in his native state. While attend- ing the latter institution he was unexpectedly called home by the sudden illness of his honored father, who died soon there- after and much to his regret, he never found it possible to com- plete the college course he had set for himself. By the parting injunction of a dying father he was left the care of a widowed mother and six children. How well he discharged his duty in

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