07 Dec

So I clothed it, and I am to-day a most successful man. You will all see why. Thus, " Energy and Promptitude " became my golden rule. And I picked up elocution at a local Sunday school. On discovering my intellect I strove to be refined, And I steadily developed the resources of my mind. I became, you know, a councillor, an alderman, a mayor, And the cry of " Vote for Barran " rent, at length, the startled air. Then the race for junior membership victoriously I ran. And my rivals murmured, " Barran seems a most successful mau. And we can't tell why." On my legislating powers my detractors set slight store. But my friends respect and trust me, and I ask for nothing more. I'm a " risen " man, snobs whisper. I'm plebeian in the eyes Of the men who haven't risen, and who haven't brains to rise. But this doesn't weigh upon me ; I can bear it, never fear ; 1 don't grudge these hiunan failures the small solace of a sneer. So, farewell till next election, and I'll end as I began. With the brief and simple statement, I'm a most successful man. And you now know why. To Sir EDWARD BAINES, Kt. Last night, Sir Edward, in liis gloomy den. The bard reclined. Dark waxed his weary soitl ; With deep dislike he viewed his fellow-men, And loathed existence, taken as a whole. (J rim Indigestion held him in its thrall, Tlie Bilious demon sat upon his chest.

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