07 Dec

They came, at length, in glee. The people gazed on them with frowns Most terrible to see. No longer tilled with glowing pride, The Mayors before them bowed, Tlie Councils wrung their hands and sighed, The Town Clerks wept aloud. " We thought," exclaimed each stricken Mayor, In accents faint and low, "Your life was blameless, jmre, and fair, We now know all, — pray, go ! Pray, leave the town your sins degrade, Fly ! fly to distant climes, Ere we call in the haugsman's aid To expiate your crimes." JOHN JENKINS. A MUNICIPAL BALLAI.. John Jenkins was a voter free, And you would hardly find In his municipality A man of broader mind Or clearer views ! The jirescnt bard i'or Jenkins had a deep regard. Now, although sound shrewd common sense Seemed linked with Jenkins's name. To lofty moral excellence He had the highest claim.

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