" For instance, Skittles,*' argued they, " may seem a harmless game, When indulged in on a private parlour floor ; But a man with human passions, and a weak and sinful fram«, May be led by it to depths we all deplore. " For the wild excitement flowing from the deft and skilful throw Which hurls the senseless uine-iiin from its place. May foster a desire (if you let the passion grow) To get bowling at a sentient human race." Thus clinging to their bread and milk, and freed from liquor's chains. They grew good to such a wonderful degree. That they positively equalled my dear friend. Sir E d B s, And the best of them came almost up to me. # # * # * « And now, alas ! there follows the dim horror of my tale, For though virtue is a bright and guiding stiir, I have found that in its worship moderation should prevail, And that holiness may go a bit too far. For these same confounded masses grew so rigid in their view That they held a solemn meeting to decide If my carriages and horses, and my men in white and blue. Were not forms of sinful vanity and pride. And they i^assed a resolution, by unanimous assent. Which appointed two ex-publicans to wait At my residence upon me to induce me to repent, And abandon them before it was too late. Then a change came o'er my spirit iu the solemn, silent night, I resolved to banish virtue's chilling bans,