07 Dec

That Jolm's intellectual scope grew wider day by day ; They took a great interest in his ease, and kept him carefnlly fastened up in a specially constructed cage, feeding him at regular intervals upon patent highly spiced food; and when at the age of five years, just when he had qualified to become a Professor of the Yorkshire College, unfortunately he died. The Board felt seriously annoyed, because they feared that it might be a long time before so brilliant an example of the advantages of their system came again in their way. Then they caught younger babies still, and fed them with greater care. They kept them in coops like fowls, to develop their mental force. And the infants advanced apace in knowledge, and the Board was in time delighted by observing tbat it had succeeded in the difficult task of producing the earliest sages on record, and that in the matter of rheumatism, gout, wrinkles, failing sight, and even of thin grey hair. Not to speak of education, their pupils were considerably in advance of many old gentlemen of eighty, which proved at once the utility of their scholastic course. The schools were a great success, but alas, as the years went by, A certain draw-back appeared to these plans so wise and great. It was discovered, in short, that as soon as the children reached the age of five years, or thereabouts, their faculties began to fail them, and they stretched out their little decrepit limbs, in the corners of the coops, and lay down to die. And then, of course, a lot of meddlesome people, like Dr. AUbutt and Mr. Teale, who were always interfering with the advancement of the young, began to raise a cry about saving the little ones fi-om what thej called

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