In forcing stalwart braves To strive in savage, gory fray, Till one or botb were borne away To premature gi-aves. The Christian Press received a shock ; The Quiver shook ; the very Rock Seemed stricken to its base ; The Sunday Chimes and Sahbafh Bells Expressed their grief in mournful knells At such a lack of grace. It chanced that good old Bishop B., A priest of High Church views was he. Turned Afric-wards his gaze, And soon resolved to quit his see, To try to teach King M'jeejee The error of his ways. " King M'jeejee " (the heathen's name) " I feel has got the strongest claim," The worthy Bishop said ; " Upon my love, I'll go at once And show this grievous moral dunce The paths he ought to tread." And so he sailed aci-oss the seas With Butler's apt Analogies Piled high within the hold ; And Paley's works in heaps he took, That heathen's sinful goose to cook.