07 Dec

the evening to Bulkawaddy, a village about two miles from Sivasamoodrum, where Ramasamy's AND NEILGHERRY HILLS. J3 hospitality has provided a comfortable bun- galow. The Cavery, after leaving the island of Sivasa- moodrum, gradually descends until it reaches Bhavany ; here it is joined by the beautiful river to which that town and handsome Pagoda give their name ; itself composed of two streams, which nearly encircle the Neilgherries, bringing with them the decayed vegetation and super- fluous mould of those hills. About Bhavany there are numerous islands, formed by the river, filled with pea-fowl and aquatic birds, that af- ford amusement to the sportsman, and which can only be approached in the round bamboo basket-boats used upon this river. To him who has any natural turn or love for watery excursions, I recommend a descent on the Cavery, when it is pretty full, and though his nerves may be a little shaken, when he goes whirling down the eddies, formed in the river by the obtruding rocks, he cannot fail to admire the extreme dexterity with which the boatmen es- cape from the rock almost at the moment of touching it. One gentle turn of the paddle

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