thronged alike by foreigners and Florentines ; and he represented to him that were he to undertake to finish the series of frescoes begun by Cosimo Rosselli in the outer court, but interrupted by his death, which were meant to illustrate the life of St Philip Benizzi, he would gain far more credit and renown than were he merely to receive a price such as his labours merited, for work done in a less conspicuous position. Andrea, being a youth of gentle and unsuspicious character, listened to all the wily sacristan had to say ; and when he further heard that were he to refuse the offer, Francia- bigio would be employed in his place, he no longer hesitated, but undertook to complete the remaining five frescoes of the Benizzi series, for which he was to be paid at the rate of ten scudi each. These frescoes completed the decoration of the left side of the court, and when done, Andrea thought to cease a work which he found brought him more honour than profit. The sacristan, however, would only let him off for a time, and exacted from him a promise that he would, at his convenience, paint two other frescoes on the opposite side of the court, for which he should be paid a higher price. From the Ricordi of the convent it 12 ANDREA DEL SARTO appears he was promised 98 lire. During the year 1511 there are several entries made in the convent books of small payments made to Andrea, " on account " modest