07 Dec

' To tread, where the glad sun is on his throne; ' Less pleasant, and less safe, when Cynthia's lamp ' With doubtful glimmer lights the dreary forest." ETTRICK FOREST. BIDDING adieu to the noble river Cavery, I shall endeavour to present to the reader some inducement to proceed from its beautiful falls to the Neilgherry Hills. But if he can go to the Hills first, and to the Falls afterwards, he will see and enjoy both to the greatest advantage. After leaving the sacred Island of Sivasamoo- drum, the first place in the route is Sattigaul, the chief village of Ramasamy Moodliar the hospitable Jagheerdar. From thence to Cooli- gaul, one of the best cultivated of the Company's pergunnahs, is about ten miles ; and at the same 16 FALLS OF THE CAVERY distance from Cooligaul is Shamrauz-nugger, in Mysore, one of the Rajah's family villages. Here there is a choice of two routes, either down the Guzzlehutty Pass, and up to Coonoor, or to Goondulpet, and thence to Ootacamund. The route by Guzzlehutty is the most direct, and provided the pass is not suffered to become dan- gerous by the inattention of the civil authorities to the destruction of the tigers that infest it, it is best. The distances by each route are given

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