07 Dec

angels appear with flowers in their hands. A holy family, a tavola, similar to the Madonna del Sacco in composition, was at one time in the Giustiniani Palace at Rome, but has now disappeared, an en- graving of the subject alone remaining. Belonging to the same time, and with very much the same superb power of treatment, are del Sarto's Birth of St John Baptist in the Scalzo, the last of that series; and the Cenacolo of St Salvi (1525-27). The arch of the Salvi fresco had been painted many years previously (1515), but only now at length was added the brilliant scene of the Last Supper no other word but brilliant will express the jewel-like sense of colour and noble drawing which strike the eye on entering the refectory of the Salvi Convent. It was the beauty of this marvellous creation which saved it from de- struction during the siege of Florence (1529-30), when the soldiers who would have razed the convent to the ground stopped spell-bound as they burst into the refectory, and were confronted by the noble drama which the artist's brush had so vividly portrayed. The eager groups among the twelve who question " Is it I ? Is it I ? " the quiet human Christ whose hand covers the hand of the beloved Apostle, who leans towards him in supplicating eagerness to hear the question answered, the luminous atmosphere, the intense brilliancy of the colouring and noble natural-

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