07 Dec

without special permission from the Grand Duke " non si poteva permettere a veruno il copiarle senza licenza del Gran Duca " (Book of Contracts, letter M. 1567)* In 1628 Cardinal Carlo de' Medici had curtains made, at his own expense, to protect the frescoes, which were then open to the air. On two occasions the ignorant zeal of the community did serious damage to the paintings. In 1617, and again in 1720, they caused the frescoes to be cleaned, and this being carried out by unskilled hands the injuries were dis- astrous. Leopoldo del Migliore wrote in praise of the cloister in 1684, and then deplored the misfortunes done by envious hands to these excellent works of art."t In the year 1785 the company of the Scalzo Brother- hood was suppressed by Pietro Leopoldo, who sold the buildings of the society, retaining only the cloister with its fading masterpieces of del Sarto's prime, which, still exposed to the influences of time and weather, suffered accordingly. It is only within the last few years that the cloister has been covered in and the roof glazed, and, as far as * This leave was granted to a copyist on March 23, 1567, and again in 1622, "memoriale per copiare le Pitture di Andrea, del dl 27 Ottobre, e si concede." It is possible that the copies made in 1567 are those pre- sented by the late Professore Emilio Santarelli to the Uffizi Archives ; and

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