07 Dec

honourable obligations, would fill his cup of human happiness full, and at the last watch by him with tender care and helpfulness when death should take him. * Maria, the daughter of Lucrezia's first marriage, married and settled in Terranuova, in the Val d' Arno. She was not forgotten by del Sarto in his last testament. CHAPTER VII HIS WORK THE works of del Sarto naturally group themselves into three categories 1. Those painted before his visit to France in 1518. 2. Those painted while in France. 3. Those painted after his return (i.e. from 1520 until his death ten years later), and to each of these divisions belong some of his masterpieces, though, for the most part his best works were painted before he was thirty-two years of age. Vasari concludes his notice of del Sarto's life with the verdict that, if in the things of daily life he displayed no great elevation of mind, and was without ambition, none the less was he an artist of prompt and elevated genius, and one whose works were not only the ornament of the place where they were found, but also examples to all other artists of his time. In drawing, colour, and com- position, del Sarto was master, and had his character been such as could have sustained these great gifts, he would surely have been as much senza equali as

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