07 Dec

completely repainted one cannot judge of its original condition." There are copies of this work (i) (not original) at St. Petersburg, No. 26 in the Hermitage ; (2) Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg; (3) Gallery of Count Stroganoff; (4) the Earl of Portarlington also possesses a copy. Engraved : J. Callot, Landon. FRANCE. While residing in the French Court, del Sarto painted a portrait of the infant Dauphin, for which he received 300 scudi. Vas. v. 30. DEATH OF LUCREZIA. Canvas, 4 ft. 5 x 3.3. This work, now disappeared, is spoken of by Argenville, and is engraved in Couches " Galerie du Palais Royal, FRANCE GERMANY 73 1786." Judging from the engraving, it would hardly appear to be the work of del Sarto. He also painted (1519) a ST. JEROME, which, begun for the Queen Mother, he left unfinished at his abrupt departure for Florence. No trace of it now remains. LYONS GALLERY. SACRIFICE OF ABRAHAM. [No. 161.] Given by Napoleon in 1811 to the Lyons Gallery. (See page 99.) GERMANY. BERLIN MUSEUM. MADONNA ENTHRONED. Wood, 2-63 x 1-85 = 8 ft. 8

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