07 Dec

x 6.1. [No. 246.] Madonna enthroned, supported by two cherubs, holds Child on her knee. To her right stands St. Peter with the keys, and St. Benedict with censer ; St. Onofrio, old and nude, kneels, leaning on his staff. To the left are St. Mark, St. Anthony of Padua, with flame in hand, and St. Catherine kneeling by her broken wheel. Below the steps of the throne are half figures of St. Celsus and St. Julia. On the upper step is written "Ann. Dom. MDXXVIII." Sketch for St. Catherine in the Uffizi, No. 306. This picture was ordered by Giuliano Scala for Sarzana in Tuscany, from whence it was removed to Genoa in 1789. Later it appears in the Lafitte collection in Paris, from whence purchased in 1834 by Mr. Arrowsmith of England, and from him the Berlin Gallery bought it in 1836. Has suffered much by restoration. The Annunciation, No. 163, Pitti, was the finimento of this altar-piece. PORTRAIT OF LUCREZIA. Wood, 0-44 x 0-37 = i ft. 5 x 1.2. [No. 240.] An unfinished sketch, painted alia prima. White chemisette and turban, yellow sleeves. Considered by 74 CATALOGUE OF WORKS Morelli to be the work of Puligo. Bought by Rumohr, 1829. DRESDEN GALLERY.

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