07 Dec

The little St. John behind points with his finger, as if showing this was indeed the Son of God (Vas. v. 35). St. Joseph behind leans his head upon his arm. His face has been much restored. Reumont speaks of a replica of this picture in the Pomersfelden collection, near Bamberg. There are sketches for portions of this picture in the Uffizi, No. 631, Categ. I., and No. 332, Categ. II. Also a drawing of the whole in chiaroscuro on canvas (not original). Engraved : Brevietti, C. Mogalli. PORTRAIT OF ARTIST. Canvas, 070 x 0^54 = 3 ft. 3X 1.9. [No. 66.] Half length, almost full face, hair long, grey garb and cap. Compare with portrait of artist belonging to Sir Francis Cook, Richmond. HOLY FAMILY. Wood, 1*37 x 1-03 = 4 ft. 6x3.4. [No. Si.] Painted 1529. Madonna, seated on the ground, holds the Child astride on her knee. He turns aside to St. John, who, supported by St. Elizabeth, leans towards him. A picture of great beauty of composition and technique. Painted for Ottaviano de' Medici, and finished during the siege (see page 50). There is a good early copy, with a St. Joseph added, in the Dulwich Gallery. There is a study for the head of St. Giovannino in the Uffizi, No. 201-631. Engraved by Gio. D. Picchianti, G. Guzzi. STORY OF JOSEPH. [No. 87.]

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