124.] The Madonna rises from her prayer stool, on which is written in letters of gold, "Andrea del Sarto ta pinta qui come nel cor ti porta e non qual sei Maria, per si parger tua gloria, e non suo nome." The original sketch for Gabriel is in the Uffizi, No. 273. The two angels who accompany him are of extraordinary beauty. Painted for the Eremitani Osservanti for their church of St. Gallo. Afterwards removed to St. Jacopo tra' Fossi, and from thence, at the urgent request of the Arch-Duchess Maria Maddelena of Austria, widow of Grand Duke Cosimo II., to her private chapel, whence it ultimately passed into the Royal Gallery. Date of picture fixed by the fact that the predella (now lost) was painted by Pontormo, who entered del Sarto's studio 1512, and left it 1513. Engraved : Mogalli, G. Rossi. ANNUNCIATION. Wood, 0*95x1 -37 = 3 ft. 1x4.6. [No. 163-] This picture was the lunette of the Sarzana " Madonna Enthroned," painted by order of Giuliano Scala in 1528. It remained for some time in the church of the Servites, and was afterwards removed to the Pitti. The curtains at either side were painted at a later date. There is a copy in the Louvre (No. 440). See Vas. v. 46. THE DISPUTA. Wood, 2-29x1-89 = 7 ft. 6x6.2. [No. 172.] The subject is a disputation on the Trinity. St. Augustine,