[No. 272.] Vasari speaks of two pictures, both half-length nude figures of S. Giovannino, one painted by order of Gian Maria Benintendi, and by him presented to Duke Cosimo ; the other meant to be sent to France, but ultimately sold to Ottaviano de' Medici. The Pitti picture must be one or the other of these. Reumont speaks of a copy in the collection of Count Mareschalchi at Bologna. There is a sketch for the left hand in the Uffizi. This beautiful work has suffered from constant cleanings. There is a fine sketch for a St. John in the Uffizi, No. 648. Engraved by Nocchi, Mogalli, Lorenzini, Bonajuti. VIRGIN IN GLORY. Wood, 2^09 x 1-76 = 6 ft. 11x5.9. [No. 307.] Painted 1 524. Virgin and child seated on clouds, upheld by cherub heads. Below, six saints SS. Sebastian, Roch, Lawrence, and Onofrio, who stand, and St. John Baptist and the Magdalen, who kneel. Painted after del Sarto's return from Mugello by order of his intimate friend Becuccio Biccherai da Gambassi, a worker in glass, whose portrait with that of his wife, of life-like truth, were con- tained in the predella which is now lost. A fine work of good tone and colouring. Compare the Magdalen with that of the Disputa Pitti, No. 172. Also the St. Lawrence in both these pictures. Engraved : Lorenzini. F 82 CATALOGUE OF WORKS