(Crowe and Cavalcaselle). It is described by Cinelli, Reumont, Rossini, Vasari, etc. etc. There is a fine sketch for the St. Joseph in the Louvre (see page 41). Engraved : Zuccherelli, R. Morghen, Chiari, P. Fontana, Zocchi Cosimo, Frederick Gregory (1760), Carlo Gregori, P. Marcia, etc. TABERNACOLO OF OR. ST. MICHELE. ANNUNCIATION. Fresco, 2-15 x 1*84=7 ft- l x 6.1. Painted on an archway behind the church by order of Baccio d'Agnolo (Vas. v. 14). "The Annunciation is all but obliterated. There are marks of an Eternal, and of the Virgin's head and the upper part of an angel still in existence, but the rest is gone." The fragments are like the arch at St. Salvi (Crowe and Cavalcaselle). "Tenuto da gli artefici di gran pregio" (Cinelli, 70). The remains of this fresco are now removed to the Museum of St. Marco (see page 14). ITALY 89 TABERNACOLO OF THE PORTA A PINTI. Painted 1520 (see page 32), now completely destroyed. There is a copy by Empoli in oils, on wood, in the corridor of the Uffizi, 1*89 x 1-19 = 6 ft. 2fx3.n; another, a little larger, in the Corsini Palace (see page 93), and in the Duke of Sutherland's collection (see page 71). The original sketch for the St. John's head belongs to the Earl of Warwick (see page 32). Engraved : L. Schiavonetti, Zuccherelli, Raphael Morghen, C. Colombini.