MADONNA, CHILD, AND ST. JOHN. Wood, 1-08 x 0*80 = 3 ft. 6 x 2.7. [No. 126.] A school copy of a portion of the Louvre Holy Family No. 380. ITALY RUSSIA 97 RUSSIA. HERMITAGE, ST. PETERSBURG. HOLY FAMILY. Canvas, 1-02x0-80 = 3 ft. 4x2.7. [No. 24.] The Virgin seated, holds Infant Saviour on her knee, who turns smiling to St. Catherine, who leans on her wheel, to the right. To the left, St. Elizabeth supports the Baptist. On the wheel is inscribed "Andrea del Sarto, Florentino, Faciebat." Originally on wood, but transferred to canvas 1866, when acquired for the Hermitage. This picture belonged successively to the Comtesse de Verrue, Comte Morville, Duke Tallard, and Prince William of Cassel, from whom it was acquired in 1806 by Napoleon I., and placed in the Empress Josephine's Gallery at Malmaison. Sketch for St. Catherine, British Museum. Engraved : Reveil, and by Fredman. ST. BARBARA. Canvas, 0-92 x 0-69 = 3 ft. x 2.3. [No. 25.] Originally on wood, transferred to canvas 1817. Charm- ing half-length figure of the saint in red tunic, with gold belt and pearl necklace. Holds model of tower in hand. Background of green drapery. Very much retouched. Attributed by Crowe and Cavalcaselle to Bacchiacca, but