07 Dec

AMBROSE. Painted for church of St. Maria della Neve, behind St. Ambrogio. Borghini's annotator says this picture was given to Cardinal Carlo de' Medici, who presented in its place a good copy by Empoli, and 200 scudi. (Vas. v. 18.) 8. For Giovanni Gaddi, a MADONNA. " Stimato la piu bella opera che insino allora Andrea avesse dipinto." (Vas. v. 18.) 9. For Giovanni di Paolo, a MADONNA. " Vera- mente bellissima." (Vas. v. 18.) 10. For Andrea Sertini, MADONNA, with the CHILD, ST. JOHN, and ST. JOSEPH. "Pittura molto lodevole." Said to have gone to Rome in the possession of Signor Alessandro Curti-Lepri, who had it engraved by R. Morghen. (Vas. v. 18.) 11. For Alessandro Corsini, a MADONNA seated on the ground, surrounded with Putti, the INFANT CHRIST clinging to her neck. "Con- dotto con bell' arte e con un colorito molto piacevole." (Vas. v. p. 23.) The original has disappeared, but a poor copy of this 104 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE picture now hangs in the Corsini Palace. Wood, i '2 1 x 0*99 = 4 ft. x 3.3. 12. For a great friend, who held a shop in Rome

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