07 Dec

30 Death's Head at the Feast. Mr. Adoue, whom I have on a previous occasion called the grand old man of the brewing trade of Texas, says in a letter concerning the above report: "This is an indisputable statement. If all the United States brewers would apply the same methods the beer trade would soon become as "clean" as any other respectable business, and prohibitionists would have no ground to stand on. The brewers have the power of doing what public officials refuse to do. Why not do it?" In another letter Mr. Adoue says: "No trouble whatever is experienced with respectable, intelligent saloon-keepers, and they are in the large majority. It is the ignorant, vicious keeper who causes all the trouble. They are not numerous, but it requires only a few of them to give a bad repute to all engaged in the business. Texas is a large state, our work is very extensive, and the expenses of the association exceed $10,000 monthly. No stronger proof can be given of the earnestness and sincerity of the reform work now being carried on by the Texas Brewers' Association." (March i, 1906.) The Preponderance of Evidence and Authority is Decidedly in Favor of the Temperate Use of Mild Fermented Beverages,

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