gard to the drink question, to legislate rationally upon this topic, and it all comes back to the old story that it is necessary to clear up public opinion and to assist people in learning the truth in regard to this problem by putting them in possession of all the facts and try- ing to enable them to approach this question as ration- ally as other matters of public concern are handled. Much of the Evil Ascribed to Drink is due to Ir- rational Eating. In discussing the question of Federal supervision of the Nation's food the Chicago Inter-Ocean said in a recent editorial : Legislation and governmental supervision, no doubt, can play an important part in the matter of preserving the nation- al health, but in the last analysis it is the individual citizen who must do the most. It is the man who eats ham and eggs in the morning, a New England dinner at noon, two kinds of meat, fried po- tatoes, raw vegetables, salads and pickles and mince pie in the evening, and a hot sandwich at night who finally be- comes a disturbing element in the country, and who may suc- ceed in so spreading the seeds of discord and contention before he reaches a sanitarium, that, were it not for the re- straining influence of people who eat moderately and di- gest what they eat, civic strife or even civil war might be the consequence. We do not need to have our health Federally supervised