07 Dec

drunkenness as an extenuating circumstance of more serious crimes. Since 1904 the convictions had in the inferior military courts have averaged from 40,000 to 45,000 a year, and about 60 per cent, of these were for drunkenness. Says the Times in comment on the incident: "The White letter which was inadvertently printed before investigation, is now, presumably, part of the campaign am- munition in the W. C. T. U. strongholds of the country. Their guns, by a strange perversion of feminine logic, are still trained in defense of the dives that benefit by the pro- visions of the anti-canteen law to corrupt the army." The comment is severe, but it is justified by the facts. It is certainly one of the strangest exhibitions of moral obtuseness on record that persons whose station and pro- fessions should make them examples of truthfulness should persist in circulating lies that sustain conditions making for immorality, and that respectable women should organize and agitate for laws which make the keeping of dives profitable. "Downright lies," "moral obtuseness," "circulating lies" you are getting along, gentlemen! Will the Newspapers and Public at Last Discover the Character of the Anti-Alcoholists? It would be an easy matter to add to the catalogue of lies fathered by the anti-alcoholists, such as the lies 119 The Rule of "Not Too Much."

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