ago that it was the proper thing at a dinner party to become "drunk as a lord," and among primitive people, even in our own midst, to be a "hearty eater" is an ac- complishment. It is one of the ideals of the human mind on lower levels of culture. Perhaps, it is that familiarity breeds contempt, or that where there is plenty there is less desire. What ever the cause, the fact is that temperance has grown with the improvement of material environment and with the greater comfort and happiness of life. For, let us give up once for all the old legend about the greater happiness and health of primitive man. That is a nursery tale. 128 A Nation of Sneaks? Are We Going to be Turned Into a Nation of Sneaks? Efforts are to be made at the coming session of Con- gress not only to force through the Littlefield bill, or a similar one, placing interstate shipments of liquor under state control; to forbid the issuing of liquor dealers' tax stamps in "dry" states and districts, and other measures aimed at the liquor traffic, but also to make the District of Columbia itself dry. And the possibility of such an enormity is discussed quite seri- ously in the papers by the Washington correspondents. In a letter on this subject in the Chicago Record-