07 Dec

tion of the National forests, the following paragraph : In the old days the signboards on the forest reserves emphasized the penalty for starting forest fires as well as for stealing timber. But the offender was in no danger of being caught in the wilderness, and he knew it. The black-letter headline of the present signboard is Caution instead of Fine. It aims to make the reader realize that it is his own forest which he may destroy if he leaves a 135 The Rule of "Not Too Much. 3 ' camp-fire smoldering or throws a lighted match into dry grass. But when it comes to approaching the liquor ques- tion, Collier's leaves its reason behind and acts upon prejudice. Most people seem utterly unable to think straight when the drink question is involved. The Barbarism and Paganism of Anti-Drink Agitation. If properly approached, it ought not to be difficult to convince the ordinary intelligent person that the demand for the suppression of the liquor traffic and of the public vending places for liquor implies a reactionary tendency, a gravitation towards a lower level of culture. When the savage or the barbarian, in consequence of his unwholesome manner of living, fell ill, he was believed to be possessed by a demon, and the medicine

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