places where they may carry on their dastardly work in secret." As to the proposition, to close all the saloons in order to get rid of the dangerous ones, he says it is like using a sledge hammer to drive a tack into the wall. His final answer to his question in this : "The duty of the Christian is clear. He ought to take an in- telligent and enthusiastic part in the movement to regulate the liquor traffic, and to keep it within the bounds of decency and moderation. He can best do this by trying to confine the attack to the dangerous saloons." To all of which we say "Amen I" The Anti-Saloon Fight is a Reactionary Class Move- ment. The fight of the anti-saloon men is not only bar- barism. It is reactionary also because it is a class movement. It is an attempt to array the well-to-do against the poorer people. The anti-saloonist does not, at present, work to prohibit the use of alcoholic drink entirely. What he is fighting is the saloon. He ap- parently is willing, for the present, at least, that the well-to-do should have their drink in their clubs or in their homes, but the poor man who has no club and who cannot afford to buy supplies in quantity must be shut off from its use. The man who buys his coal