[Footnote 13: enterprise: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "enterprises."] [Footnote 14: make swift Rhine circle fair: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "WITH swift Rhine circle ALL."] [Footnote 15: silk: Old eds. "skill."] [Footnote 16: blest: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "wise."] [Footnote 17: Swarm: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "Sworne."] [Footnote 18: to: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] [Footnote 19: have: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "has."] [Footnote 20: shall they: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "they shall."] [Footnote 21: huge: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "whole."] [Footnote 22: stuffs: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "stuff'd."] [Footnote 23: renowm'd: So 4to 1616 (See note ||, p. 11).--2tos 1624, 1631, "renown'd." Note ||, from p. 11. (The First Part of Tamburlaine the Great): "renowmed: i.e. renowned.--So the 8vo.--The 4to "renowned." --The form "RENOWMED" (Fr. RENOMME) occurs repeatedly afterwards in this play, according to the 8vo. It is occasionally found in writers posterior to Marlowe's time. e.g. "Of Constantines great towne RENOUM'D in vaine." Verses to King James, prefixed to Lord Stirling's MONARCHICKE TRAGEDIES, ed. 1607." ] [Footnote 24: Albertus': Old eds. "Albanus."] [Footnote 25: that: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "the."] [Footnote 26: him: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] [Footnote 27: Enter Faustus: Old eds. "Thunder. Enter Lucifer and