I should not omit to tell you that both before and after Baxter's mar- riage, in the early days of his business career in London as a Wood-cut Engraver, he was com- missioned by Robert Harrild to engrave for him Cuts of his Printing Appliances and Presses for Catalogue and Ad- vertisement purposes. Two specimens I show you herewith. One you will see bears his King Square address. I think they are very finely en- graved, don't you ? There is abundant evidence that soon after Baxter's entry into his King Square address he commenced his experiments in Pictorial Colour printing and engraving for same; and it is undoubtedly established that he must have devoted his leisure time from his Wood-engraving to tread- ing the paths of experimenter in " Pictorial Colour Printing." In 1834 he became celebrated for a method of Printing in Oil Colours by the super- imposition of Wood blocks upon each other, each being engraved or cut to take the required tint or colour to comnlete the finished picture.