I must now tell you that Mr. Robert Harrild, who, you will have observed, so much assisted Baxter in his business career, passed away in 1853, and by his will he gave to Baxter the " Copper-Plate Press," the " Stanhope," and the " Goldring Stanhope" Presses, which he had lent to him in 1837. In 1855 Baxter's extension of his Patent rights expired, but he still continued to produce several prints, although unprotected by Patent rights. Several other Colour printers now commenced producing prints 32 Life and Environment on Baxter's lines, and in the early part of the same year (1855) a periodical called the "Coloured News," illustrated by hand-coloured Wood-cuts, made its appearance, I read in Mr. R. M. Burch's fine volume " Colour Printing and Colour Printers." This advent of the Coloured News evidently inspired the " Illustrated London News" to give coloured supplements, which were executed by G. C. Leighton on Baxter's lines, but the master still retained his pre-eminence. His fineness of colouring, combined with his artistic skill, greatly over- shadowed his rivals, as may be proved by comparing their productions. In 1857 Baxter obtained provisional protection for a method of machine ruling printing surfaces, with a view to obtaining gradations of tone in etched blocks, but he did not go further with it. However, again in 1859 we find his inventive faculty at work, for in this year Letters Patent were granted him for colouring photos by his printing process of relief blocks. He is, however, not known to have proceeded with this method; glass Negatives, and silver prints, like Aquatint Im- pressions, were at this period frequently coloured by hand, which no doubt gave Baxter the inspiration for this patent.